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How To Package Your Cannabis Standing Out ?

The cannabis market is booming recently. More and more businessmen have joined into the cannabis market, for the higher profits mostly. Thus, The cannabis market is crowded. Good news is that users today have options when it comes to the product they want, the effects they desire, and, of course, the brand they decide to purchase. Glass is the most preferred cannabis packaging. Hence, working with the expert glass bottle manufacturer to get the perfect glass bottles and jars for cannabis will boost your business.

Standing out in a sea of options is no small task for cannabis companies – but it is an essential one. Your cannabis packaging can help. Canabis packaging, especially packaging with unique bottle decorations, is the first version for your consumers, which will catch consumers’ eyes and get their attentions. For those big cannabis brand owners, designing a bespoke custom bottle for cannabis packaging will promote their brand story and increase brand value. If you are interested in how to packaging your cannabis attractive, please keep reading this article.

What is Cannabis?

what is cannabis

Cannabis, also known as marijuana among other names, is a psychoactive drug from the cannabis plant used primarily for medical and recreational purposes. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the main psychoactive component of cannabis, which is one of the 483 known compounds in the plant, including at least 65 other cannabinoids, including cannabidiol (CBD). Cannabis can be used by smoking, vaporizing, within food, or as an extract.

It has various metal and physical effects, which include euphoria, altered states of mind and sense of time, difficulty concentrating, impaired short-term memory and body movement, relaxation, and an increase in appetite.

Cannabis is mostly used recreationally or as a medicinal drug, although it may also be used for spiritual purposes. It is the most commonly used illegal drug in the world, though it is legal in some jurisdictions, with the highest use among adults in Zambia, the United States, Canada, and Nigeria.

With all the noise about marijuana, hemp, and cannabidiol (CBD) these days, it can be hard to keep them all straight. Cannabis is the plant from which all marijuana products are derived from, and there are thousands of different strains to choose from.

“Hemp” is a strain of cannabis that contains less than 0.3% THC content by dry weight. Hemp is legal to grow and manufacture on a federal level, unlike marijuana. As a result of its low THC content, the hemp plant is typically used for the production of hemp fiber and CBD.

Various Forms of Marijuana

different forms of marijuana

Cannabis is distributed in many forms. Most often, marijuana is offered as-is, meaning the bud itself is sold. However, marijuana can also be made into edibles, like candy and baked goods, cannabis-infused ingredients, like butter and sugar, or even as drinkable liquids, like beer and wine.

How to Keep Cannabis Weed Fresh?

tips to keep cannabis week fresh with glass jars

Before selecting the ideal packaging for your cannabis, many factors have to be fully considered. We need to know the chemistry of cannabis. It’s important to understand how air temperature, humidity, and light interact with your cannabis. When you know how to control those factors, you’ll be able to keep your reefer really fresh for longer periods of time.

1. Air temperature

It’s important to store your cannabis in cool, but not cold. Proper air temperature will help to preserve the psychoactive potency of your products.

2. Humidity

The humidity levels of the spot where you stash your herb has a lot to do with how long it’s medicinal qualities will last.

Too much moisture in the air around your herb will make it susceptible to mildew and mold. Too little moisture will dry the trichome resin right out and degrade the cannabinoids and terpenes — even if the air temperature is optimal.

Research suggests that a relative humidity (RH) level between 59% and 63% is ideal to keep your weed as consistently fresh in terms of potency, aroma, flavor, texture, and color.

3. Light

Ultra violet rays (light) from the sun can bleach your buds and harsh the mellow of your marijuana just as much as they can burn your skin. Therefore, keep your cannabis away from the light, avoid light exposure is necessary.

So now that you understand just how essential temperature, humidity, and light are to the freshness of your cannabis, marijuana, let’s turn our attention to basic packaging issues.

Why Good Cannabis Packaging is Essential ?

There are many reasons you should take the time to thoughtfully design your cannabis packaging. Though it can seem a daunting task, it’s important to get noticed. A well-designed package can:

  • Attract customers: If you have appealing colors and designs, you can attract the eye of your audience, pulling them away from looking at competing companies.
  • Protect your product: Whether it ships to a store or from you directly, your cannabis product will go on a journey. The right packaging will help protect it from damage while also maintaining its quality.
  • Communicates your brand’s identity: Companies use their packaging to show what their brand is about, from imaging to the wording and even the company’s name. These elements all work together to show consumers what makes your brand unique and establish trust.

Best Containers to Package Your Cannabis

  • Glass jars. Although they may not be the most practical option, glass jars can look lovely and high-class. Glass jars offer air-tight and smell-proof properties and are easy for consumers to continue to use after they’ve purchased their weed. Plus, they are reusable and recyclable, which can be appealing to many environmentally conscious users. However, many states require opaque packaging, which glass jars may not offer. They also don’t offer the best protection from light, which can degrade cannabis over time. Weed stored in glass jars can retain its freshness for about a year if the jar itself is stored correctly (away from the light and in a dark, cool place.)
  • Borosilicate tube jars. Borosilicate (commonly known as Pyrex) offers many of the same benefits as glass jars. However, they are typically cheaper to purchase and can work with different types of lids. They may not be the best option to use in states that require a lot of information and disclaimers on marijuana packaging, as they have limited space to offer. Like Mylar bags, weed stored in borosilicate tube jars can stay fresh for up to a year if stored correctly.
  • Mylar bags. Mylar bags are one of the most, if not the most, popular options when it comes to packaging cannabis. These bags air-tight, gas-tight, and don’t let smell through, all of which are important when storing cannabis. They are also resealable, opaque, and reusable, all of which many states require for cannabis packaging. Finally, Mylar bags are very durable. They don’t tear easily and can stand up to freezing, as well as repeated reuse. Producers can trust their product is well-protected while it is being delivered. When stored correctly in Mylar bags, weed can last up to two years. 

Design Your Own Packagin Logo

Proper packaging for cannabis is important, but not the last step. If you want your cannabis products attract more consumers, charming logo, and brand decorations should always be considered. Even the normal stocked glass cannabis packaging will making your cannabis stand out–with your unique logo design.

Logos are essential for businesses, whether it is a small one or a mega-business. A logo helps you:

  • Look more professional. Cannabis often need to go the extra mile to come across as professional, and a logo can help you accomplish that goal.
  • Tell your brand’s story. A well-designed logo is more than just a graphic: it tells your story and represents what your brand stands for.
  • Helps you stand out. The cannabis market is crowded, and having a distinctive logo can help you stand out from the crowd. It also makes it easier for loyal customers to quickly find your products when the shelves are lined with options.
  • Attracts new customers. When you design a logo, you want to make one that speaks to your target customer base. When done correctly, your logo will catch their eye, draw their attention, and convince them to give your brand’s products a try.

Cannabis Logo Ideas

There’s a lot you can’t do when creating your cannabis brand logo, but there are still many things you can to create a unique and memorable logo that is legally compliant.  

Here are some ideas to consider as you design your logo:

  • Stay away from the leaf image. Per the United States Patent and Trademark Office, 44 percent of cannabis users utilize the cannabis leaf on their logo. That’s a lot. Consider steering away from using the leaf as your main image so your logo stands out more.
  • Think outside the green box. Green is a popular color in the cannabis market because cannabis flowers are primarily green. But that doesn’t mean green is the only color you can use. Though green can be used and may help get your message across (if your company is focused on sustainability, for example, green is a good option), don’t be afraid to choose other colors to use on your logo.
  • Stay positive. Don’t use an image that can have a negative connotation with weed or that depicts underground, shady weed dealing of the past and present. Instead, use images that convey a powerful message or that represent the benefits of cannabis. Think of positive words that reflect your product and use those to help drive your logo creation.
  • Bring in professionals. If you don’t feel you have the creative license and equipment needed to design your own logo, hire a professional to help. Find one with experience in the cannabis industry as they’ll have a wealth of knowledge they can share. They can also work with you to learn more about your brand and create the perfect logo for you.


Rely on our professional as one of the leading China glass bottle manufacturer and wholesale, we have a variety of glass bottles and jars, borosilicate tubes in stock for your cannabis. Moreover, we have our own skilfull designers, personalized decorations at factory prices are always available in order to make your cannabis packaging win in appearance.